About us
FocusUP is a network organisation of highly dedicated and experienced consultants, researchers and evaluators who support organisations in increasing their efficiency, effectiveness and sustainable impact. FocusUP provides strategic advice on Theories of Change and monitoring and evaluation systems. We implement evaluation and impact research.

Why we are here
Current societies, globally, face gigantic challenges. Lack of social and political inclusion, large social inequalities and exploitation, extreme poverty and humanitarian crises unfortunately remain a daily reality for many. That`s why all our collaborators are highly committed to support organisations that want to generate an impact to solve social problems.
Theory based approaches
We guide organisations to map their ideas and hypotheses towards achieving the desired social change (Theory of Change, ToC). We do this in a participatory way with input from all stakeholders. We always ensure that all decisions are evidence-based. Theories of change also form the starting point for the vast majority of the (impact) evaluations we carry out.

(Impact-) Evaluations & Evidence based decisions
Most of our (impact-) evaluations are theory-based driven. Together with our clients, we always look for the most appropriate evaluation design. All our experts have a strong methodological scientific background. They are strong in data collection and analysis. They understand the art of translating analyses into action-oriented and strategic solutions. We use innovative ICT and software applications to maximise validity and reliability. We like participative and capacity building approaches.
Where we work
We are located in Antwerp-Belgium. We conducted impact research projects, evaluations and trainings, together with our partners, in more than 35 countries around the globe.

Some of our clients

Belgian Special Evaluation Office

VIA Don Bosco


European Commission

Belgian Red Cross

Plan International
